by Revive Team | Aug 10, 2017 | Revive Blog
How does the laser snoring treatment work? Fotona offers a quick, painless, and very effective laser treatment called Nightlase. It tightens the tissue at the back of the throat, opening the upper airway and decreasing the sound of snoring. Most people assume that a...
by Revive Team | Aug 8, 2017 | Revive Blog
We have great sun care tips and educational reasonings to help you understand how to better your skin care routine! Get in the know and book a consultation with us to have a full examination of your skin. Physical VS Chemical: Most sunscreens are a mixture of...
by Revive Team | Aug 3, 2017 | Revive Blog
Over the Counter VS Medical Grade Skin Care Products? Magazine ads, TV commercials, and pamphlets feature our favourite celebrities showing off their flawless skin. Their gorgeous skin is usually due to highly marketed over the counter skin care products. Either...
by Revive Team | Aug 1, 2017 | Revive Blog
Is there a difference between dry skin and dehydration? This can be confusing for many people. Your skin feels itchy, dry and tight, but what causes it? And what dry skin remedies can you use to prevent it? Oil vs Water The biggest difference between dry skin and...