A Simple 3-Step Skin Care Routine!

A Simple 3-Step Skin Care Routine!

Our skin is the largest organ we have and is one that needs the most attention, but is often forgotten about. It suffers tremendously throughout the day, protecting us from pollutants, UV rays, injuries, weather and that’s just to name a few! We are often asked,...
The Worst Foods For Acne

The Worst Foods For Acne

So, you’re doing everything right. You’re washing your face twice a day, removing all your makeup, not wearing that heavy foundation anymore. But you’re still getting breakouts. Before resorting to harmful medications like Accutane, think, are you eating the worst...
Botox vs Lasers – the perfect pair!

Botox vs Lasers – the perfect pair!

Wondering whether to go with Botox or a laser treatment, but aren’t sure which would be the right choice? Spoiler alert, the answer is both! Let’s jump into Botox vs lasers to explore the core elements of both. If you are starting to see those lines on your...